Kick scooter design for military

The Go-Ped kNIGHTRIDER is the kick scooter 100% design for military use it is the first electric kick scooter aimed for USA special military forces, the Go-Ped kNIGHTRIDER is a Military Commando Portable Transporter Vehicle.

This electric kick scooter Go-Ped is very light weight with only 30kg (or 66lbs), the Go-Ped kNIGHTRIDER has two swing arms with a shock absorber this give it a great mobility in off road use and also the portability of this vehicle is great when you have to climb a obstacle and drag it to the other side, the fold mechanism helps a lot on this.

Max. range 40km

The Go-Ped kNIGHTRIDER can take easy the rugged terrains and climb steep hills, it has two wheel drive and massive off road tires, it was great acceleration and a top speed of 30Km/h, the pain job is non reflective and helps to stealth the user in enemy territory.

Get ready to jump

This electric kick scooter it's a great combat scout vehicle for special forces and a perfect off road transporter, the two electric motors make no noise compared to internal gas engines and this is another plus for stealth use.

The total range on the Go-Ped kNIGHTRIDER is 40Km this is great for a small kick scooter with a drive train of two motors.

Like Sandra Santos says:

"Perfect machine for all soldiers, less stress carrying their load , and fast deployment"

Some clients say tha this Go-Ped kNIGHTRIDER is silent has Nanrobot D4+ 2.0 still the Go-Ped kNIGHTRIDER wins also on charging time.

The Go-Ped Tactical Division's extraordinary military portable vehicle for special ops and Commando units. Feel free to contact Go-Ped Tactical Division at

See the oficial full video here