Compare Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter vs ALFAS ES01

Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter
  Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter ALFAS ES01
Launch 2019, November
Where to buy / Price $469.99 $302.98
Top Speed 29 km/h (18 mph) 25 km/h
Max. climb angle 44.44%
Max. driver weight 100 kg (220 lbs) 120 kg (264 lbs)
Riding mode top speed Moped Mode, Pedal Mode, Pure Electric Mode
Battery Size 12V 9AH Battery 42V 6Ah
Charging Time 12 hours 4 hours
Range 18 Km / 10 miles
Battery Management System
Foldable Yes Yes
Dimensions Unfolded 59.5" x 41.5" x 22.125 Cm 59.5 x 20.25 x 41.5 inches 112 x 15.3 x 52 cm
Dimensions Folded 111.5 x 23.5 x 31 cm
Weight 30.39 kg (67 lbs) 11 kg
Front suspension system
Rear suspension system
Motor 500 w Motor 350 W
Drive layout Rear Wheel Drive
Front wheel height 10-inch (25.4 Cm)
Rear wheel height 22 inch (55.88 cm)
Wheel type
Traversable terrain
Front Yes
Rear Yes
Smartphone app
Cruise Control
Lights LED Wheel Well
Colors White Black
Display LCD
Appropriate age 16+
Extra 500W extra
When compared the Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter versus the ALFAS ES01 we can see that the Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter range is 18 Km / 10 miles versus the ALFAS ES01 with . In terms of speed the Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter has the max. speed of 29 km/h (18 mph) against the ALFAS ES01 with 25 km/h.

The charging time of Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter is 12 hours and it has a battery with 12V 9AH Battery in the case of ALFAS ES01 the charging time is 4 hours and the ALFAS ES01 battery is a 42V 6Ah.

About the weight we can see that Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter has a weight of 30.39 kg (67 lbs) and the ALFAS ES01 it has 11 kg.

Is the Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter foldable? Yes And the ALFAS ES01? Yes

The drive layout on Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter is Rear Wheel Drive and in this case the ALFAS ES01 has .

And now the power source in Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter it has a motor with 500 w Motor and ALFAS ES01 has a motor with 350 W, with all this power we need to be able to stop, for the Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter we use this brake layout and in ALFAS ES01 the brake layout is like this .

The shock absorbtion in Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter the layout is and in ALFAS ES01 has this layout .

Types of wheels in Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter it has with the size of and in ALFAS ES01 it has with this size .

The max. payload on Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter is 100 kg (220 lbs) and in ALFAS ES01 is 120 kg (264 lbs).

Light configuration in Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter is LED Wheel Well and in ALFAS ES01 the lights are like this .

Razor EcoSmart Metro Electric Scooter has a smartphone app? and What about ALFAS ES01 does it has a smartphone app?